« Revision in RISL Processing Fees « Order regarding implementation of e-procurement dated 30-09-2011 « Circular Dated 27-04-2020 regarding deposit of bid document fees, bid security and RISL processing fees on e-GRAS through single challan « Reduction in threshold limit for e-procurement from 01 September, 2016 « Department Users are recommended to select 2 of 4 Bid Openers option in tender creation stage. « RISL Processing Fees Format for Department users « The issue of Corrigendum to change BOQ (Price Bid template / Financial Bid) after attaining Bid Submission Start Date is not available in the system.
Login Id *
Enter email address for login id. eg: abc[at]xyz[dot]com
(Care may be taken to enter valid e-mail ID. This information will be kept confidential. The login ID cannot be modified once registered.)
Correspondence Email*
(Correspondence Email ID can be same as your Login ID.)
Email ID and Mobile No Policy
Email and mobile must comply following requisites,
  1. As Mobile and Email are the modes of correspondence, ensure that mobile no and email id provided are correct.
  2. The verification codes are valid for 900 seconds from the time Send Verification Code is clicked.
Company Details
Company Name / Licence Holder Name *
Preferential Bidder:
Preference Category*
If you have selected MSME or Startup Company in Preference Category, visit MSME or Startup India icon under My Accounts--> Privileges menu and complete registration process.
Registration Number *
Registered Address*
Name of Partners / Directors
BidderType* Indian Foreign
City *
Postal Code*
PAN Number *
PAN number must have 10 characters. For eg: AESTG2458A
Establishment Year
Nature of Business*
Legal Status*
Company Category *
Contact Details
Enter Company's Contact Person Details
Title *
Contact Name*
Date Of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)*  Click on icon to choose a date/time value.
Phone Details eg: +91 044 22272449
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