« Revision in RISL Processing Fees « Order regarding implementation of e-procurement dated 30-09-2011 « Circular Dated 27-04-2020 regarding deposit of bid document fees, bid security and RISL processing fees on e-GRAS through single challan « Reduction in threshold limit for e-procurement from 01 September, 2016 « Department Users are recommended to select 2 of 4 Bid Openers option in tender creation stage. « RISL Processing Fees Format for Department users « The issue of Corrigendum to change BOQ (Price Bid template / Financial Bid) after attaining Bid Submission Start Date is not available in the system.
The eTender related announcements are published below.
No. of Announcements : 8
S.No Subject / Content View
1. Revision in RISL Processing Fees
 Revision in RISL Processing Fees
2. Order regarding implementation of e-procurement dated 30-09-2011
 Order regarding implementation of e-procurement dated 30-09-2011
3. Advisory on Renewal of Digital Signature Certificates
 All Tender Inviting Authorities are hereby requested to ensure that during the renewal of DSCs, the old encryption key is retained and encryption key is not deleted from their token. It is informed that, without old encryption keys, existing tenders due for opening cannot be decrypted. Formatting of DSCs tokens should be avoided. Ideal option is to go for purchase of New physical tokens every time the DSC is renewed or purchased. Users are advised to keep a copy of encryption key safely with them whenever a DSC is purchased / renewed.
4. Circular Dated 27-04-2020 regarding deposit of bid document fees, bid security and RISL processing fees on e-GRAS through single challan
 Circular Dated 27-04-2020 regarding deposit of bid document fees, bid security and RISL processing fees on e-GRAS through single challan
5. Reduction in threshold limit for e-procurement from 01 September, 2016
 Reduction in threshold limit for e-procurement from 01 September, 2016
6. Department Users are recommended to select 2 of 4 Bid Openers option in tender creation stage.
 In the case of a 2 of 2 Bid openers, if one of the Bid openers DSC key is lost / any other reason, the tender bids cannot be decrypted without Bid openers encryption certificates.
7. RISL Processing Fees Format for Department users
 RISL Processing Fees Format for Department users
8. The issue of Corrigendum to change BOQ (Price Bid template / Financial Bid) after attaining Bid Submission Start Date is not available in the system.
 The issue of Corrigendum to change BOQ (Price Bid template / Financial Bid) after attaining Bid Submission Start Date is not available in the system. Hence care may be taken by Procuring entities while creating the BoQ at the time of Publishing.
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